Disclaimer - these characters are the property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures and no attempt is made to infringe the copyright thereof. We are just borrowing them and will give them back at the end of the story!


by Martine

With Summer over and Autumn at its most colourful the evening skies began to darken. As the temperature dropped the rain started. It fell in slow, steady drops onto the tightly packed straw roof of the barn. The torrent arrived shortly afterwards, washing away leaves that littered the ground turning the earth to mud.

The son of Zeus and his companion, Iolaus, had taken shelter there just before the onslaught of the worst of the weather. It had been the demigod's suggestion and the hunter had reluctantly agreed. It wasn't that the barn was a bad place to sleep for the night, on the contrary
the accommodation was luxurious compared to what they had both been used to of late, it was simply that Iolaus preferred to sleep out in the open.

Only two weeks had passed since his imprisonment and he still felt claustrophobic in confined places. The small, rickety wooden structure was barely large enough to hold the hay that it housed, let alone sleep the two warriors. They couldn't light a fire, the risk being too great
that a stray spark would ignite the dry wood and burn the place to the ground. So they sat, waiting in gloomy darkness, whilst the heavy rain pounded endlessly on the roof.

For a while neither man spoke, there had been an uneasy truce between them for the past couple of days and it was hard for either to breech the silence. The irritating sound of the rain, combined with a steady drip-drip of water seeping through the cracked roof, accompanied the
quiet breathing of the men.

Iolaus had settled himself against a hay bale, the dry straw sticking into the exposed skin of his arms as he eased himself slowly back onto the makeshift bedding. Hercules had moved as far away from the smaller
man as possible, knowing that his presence would not exactly be a comfort to the warrior. He was also propped against warm straw and deeply inhaled the stale, but pungent, smell of dry meadows. The air was full of it, tickling the demigod's nose until he could no longer
contain the threatened sneeze.

"Bless you." Came a hesitant sound from the darkness.

"Thanks...it's this damned hay, it always gets to me."

"Yeah. Still it's only for one night. Then we can move on." Iolaus couldn't disguise the relief in his voice when he thought about continuing their journey. Four more days and they would be in Cillabos. He was looking forward to seeing Leandra, his grandmother, again. She at least was proud of the hunter. Then, hopefully, Hercules would
continue home and leave him alone.

"Throw me my pack would you Hercules?"

"I don't have it Iolaus...I thought you picked it up from the side of the river when we stopped?"

The demigod couldn't see his friend but imagined Iolaus' brows knitting together in frustration - or was it anger?

"But I asked you not to forget it, don't you remember?" The hunter was faintly irritable. If the demigod hadn't insisted on carrying everything for him this wouldn't have arisen. Now he was without his cloak, razor and personal things - the warm clothing or his dagger, not to mention the only meagre food they both had. If the pack was lost he would be furious.

He scrabbled around in the darkness hoping it was somewhere around but, unsurprisingly, he came up empty handed. "Damn!" With his good hand he thumped one of the bales in frustration but all he succeeded in doing
was sending shockwaves of pain rippling through his damaged arms.

"I distinctly recall you having it earlier this afternoon Iolaus and I didn't hear you ask me anything. In fact we hardly spoke to one another. The last time I saw it was after you'd bathed, it was lying under the olive tree." The sound of the rain was making it increasingly
difficult for them to hear one another clearly and their voices compensated, getting louder with each word, in an effort to rise over the deluge.

"Hercules, you've been carrying my stuff for weeks now...why should today be any different? Unless of course you think I don't need your help any more? Which would be okay with me by the way. I DON'T need your help, I just need that damned cloak."

The demigod rummaged around, and finding his own, offered it to his friend. "Here, take mine, you need it more than I do. Besides I can use my spare shirt." He held the garment out in Iolaus' direction. The hunter could barely make out the outline of Hercules' body in the gloom.

"No, don't bother..the hay will be fine, I can feel the steam rising from it. As soon as it gets light I'm going back there." He paused, listening to the gods pour water on the land. "Why doesn't this bloody rain stop? I'll never get to sleep while this racket is going on."

Hercules had to agree, the noise was so loud it deafened them and the pip, pip sound of the leak was like torture, the longer it continued, the more it grated on their already frayed nerves. Iolaus' behaviour was symptomatic of his disposition of late, Hercules noticed he was
short-tempered and selfish, no, he corrected himself, Iolaus could never be selfish but he was withdrawn, and irritable.

The demigod would have given anything to erase the last month from their lives. They were over the worst of it but the sad thing was that he felt things could never be the same between them. Hercules thought it to be true, and a large part of him felt disgusted with himself. He hadn't even apologised.

"Gods its stuffy in here. I need some air." The hunter got up and started to pace nervously back and forth. Hercules could hear him slapping the leather on his trousers ...Iolaus was wound up tighter than a ball.

"Iolaus I really am sorry about your pack. I'll go back for it tomorrow, I think you're right - it's my fault. In fact, I know I should have said this before but it's ALL been my fault."

The pacing stopped. Hercules could feel, rather than see, Iolaus staring in his direction, he knew what his friend must be feeling. This was the first time he had really admitted it. Gods he should have uttered the words weeks ago, it was just that he couldn't bring himself to. Iolaus had been acting like a petulant child recently and Hercules' pride told him not to give in, even though his heart cried out that he should comfort his friend.

"Did you just say what I think you said?" The hunter's voice was tense, suspicious.

Hercules sighed "Yes Iolaus...I should have said something before now...it WAS all my fault. I admit I've been pig-headed, but you weren't willing to talk about it, so I just shut up."

"So now what Hercules? Am I supposed to say that I forgive you? I know you feel guilty about what happened to me back there, and so you should, but all I wanted was for you to apologise. No fuss, just a simple - `sorry buddy for leaving you to suffer, I know I was wrong Iolaus....'.
I guess I assumed that wouldn't be too much to ask - from someone dearer than a brother." The last was added deliberately to drive the guilt home.

"Gods Herc how often have we been there for each other? How many times have we watched each other's backs? And then...then you go and throw me to the wolves, for what? For the beautiful Serena. Yeah...well...maybe, just maybe, I can't forgive you this time. The wounds are too raw."
Somehow he found it easier to say all this in the darkness. Iolaus knew that, had he been facing his best friend, he couldn't have spoken so openly about what he felt.

It was tearing his heart out.

Since his rescue he had gone over this speech a hundred - no a thousand times, and each time he bottled out, his love for the demigod forcing the words to catch in his throat, leaving him shaking with anger. Anger at his own weakness.

"Iolaus I...I..."

"NO...listen to me for a minute Hercules. I've had enough and I need to tell you this. First you decide to break up our partnership - and yes, it was you that decided it would be best...you may not have said the words but you didn't exactly bend over backwards to stop me walking
away. And then, knowing I was imprisoned and why I was there - you LEFT ME in that disgusting flea pit to rot until you and your precious Golden Hind remembered I existed and saw fit to help me!"

In the dark Hercules tried to voice his protestations but was hushed as the hunter continued to open up to him. "Shut up and listen for the first time in your life I'm going to have my say Hercules. Yeah...I've suffered before, and lived to tell the tale, mostly thanks to you, but do you have any idea what I went through whilst you were fucking your wife? I went through Tartarus back there and when you finally deigned to come for me I didn't, couldn't, let you know how awful it was but now I need you to know details.

When I went to help those people, that you decided to ignore because of your honeymoon, I let myself be caught by Colycus' men so they could get away. If I'd known then what I know now, maybe I wouldn't have been quite so eager." Iolaus laughed mirthlessly remembering every painful and humiliating detail with such clarity that he could almost believe he was still there.

"They stripped and beat me in the street in front of the rest of the townspeople. A warning they called it, and I think it must have done the trick because not one person questioned the soldiers - yes they looked back at me with pity in their eyes, but they were rabbits, frightened rabbits. They all knew that I hadn't done anything wrong but no one cared to risk their necks for a pathetic stranger. And when they dragged me by my arms to the castle I thought my limbs would tear from their sockets. Even then I was still conscious, so Colycus himself
decided to teach me his own personal lesson in obedience.

Tell me my friend...have you ever heard someone scream when they have been racked and tortured? Well I screamed...I screamed so hard they stuffed my mouth up to stop me and then I choked until I was blue. They just laughed at me and tortured me some more. It's hard to stay conscious when your arms are dislocated - but I did. You see I was waiting to watch the smiles wiped off their ugly faces when you arrived to help me.

Then things got a little hazy...I wasn't sure just how long I was there but it seems that to some soldiers a naked and helpless human being can be quite arousing."

Iolaus heard the sharp intake of breath from Hercules. "Gods Iolaus...no!!"

The hunter laughed again, a cold and cynical laugh. "Don't tell me you didn't suspect what had happened? You knew as well as I did the reputation that town has, and in particular the stories of Colycus' interesting little feasts!" The hunter paused, unsure why he had to tell his friend everything but knowing in part that he wanted Hercules to hear it all, every last detail, partially to exorcise the torment in his soul and partly to ensure that Hercules himself shared some small part of his suffering. Zeus knew he loved the demigod more than his life, but he was hurting....he was really hurting.

"Yeah...three of the bastards in particular raped me repeatedly, gods some people are disgusting. I couldn't get free...if I had I would have slit their throats and cut off their......anyway, my mind wandered off somewhere - I think I was praying to you at one point. Funny that...I mean you're not even a full God but I still thought you'd hear me, come for me. Well, I've learned not to be quite so stupid.

They were quite careful not to bruise me too much, apparently there was to be a feast in a couple of days and Colycus thought that Iolaus of Thebes, friend of the great hero Hercules, would make an interesting `entertainment' for his guests. Yup, they cleaned me up really well for
that one, not that I stayed that way for too long."

The rain had eased off slightly and every painful word that Iolaus said reached the demigod's hearing with the crispness of a bell. When Hercules had finally rescued his friend only some of the horrific things that had been done to him were immediately in evidence. The hunter didn't speak much, he couldn't walk and his arms were totally useless. His body was bruised and naked, but that didn't make Hercules suspicious as prisoners were often kept without clothing in their cells. Hercules hadn't guessed anything as awful as this and his stomach churned in
sympathy for his friend, and guilt for the part he had played in his suffering.

The blonde continued "They kept me in a box, not a cell like the other poor bastards unlucky enough to feel the full weight of Colycus' so-called justice. It was a shit-hole, no bigger than the length of a pallet and not even as tall as me. I had to crouch permanently or sit
on the excrement-strewn floor. In the darkness of course...a bit like here actually!

I tested every inch of that place, seeking some weakness in the walls, ceiling or floor...nothing... I ripped my fingers to shreds just scratching and pounding at the wooden door but I had to be careful 'cause when the soldiers heard me they gave me a little more of their
special brand of punishment. Stinking cock-suckers.

Oh yes...the final treat..this was what oh...about a week after my capture. I guess it was a week, but like I said my mind had gone off somewhere, so I really couldn't keep track. Anyway..one morning (evening?..I'm unsure now) two of Colycus' brutes dragged me out of the box and into the courtyard. The sun blinded me and boy was I stiff..my
arms were on fire and I think I must have fainted because I remember being slapped a lot. Couldn't make a break for it then either, my legs just gave out. Gods I felt so helpless..my knees were shaking...actually everything was shaking. Did I tell you they hadn't fed me? Just given me water to ensure I didn't die on them. My weakness seemed to delight them. Where was I? Er...the courtyard,
yes...well they shoved me onto the ground and threw water, masses of icy cold water, over me..I guess they thought it would improve the smell a little. Then, when they were convinced the encrusted blood had been removed from my arse and the rest of my body, they hoisted me, none too
delicately, by my injured arms and draped me in a blue silk robe.

I giggled then...couldn't help it Herc...it was just hysterical..in fact I actually laughed hysterically. It was so funny you see! Having been naked for days, covered in dirt and blood I was now draped in the softest, finest silk. One of the fat bastards said how it matched the
colour of my eyes then he proceeded to fuck me in front of his fellow soldiers."

Iolaus started giggling to himself and to Hercules it was one of the saddest sounds he had ever heard. The pain was thick in the hunter's strained voice and he was on the point of hysteria.

He was cracking up.

"Iolaus?" The demigod said gently. "Iolaus stop it - now!"
The hunter wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. "Oh dear...my eyes..yeah..it was that funny. The guards didn't find my laughing funny though..that's how my wrist got broken - but hey I didn't care, the pain was no worse for that than in any other part of my body. I must admit
that it took quite some time for me to actually realise it was damaged - but I wasn't using it anyway."

The hunter was so cold and matter-of-fact about everything that Hercules wondered how he hadn't noticed how seriously on the edge his friend had been for the last fortnight. He had been keeping his emotions in checking amazingly well considering - now the floodgates had opened and everything was pouring forth.

"Where did I get to?"

"The blue robe." Hercules offered reluctantly.

"Okay...so... Sorry Herc I just can't help laughing...it was funny, although I guess you had to be there." His voice broke. "But maybe if you had been there...." He trailed off...words unspoken. "Anyway they escorted me, and by that I mean dragged, to the banqueting hall for the feast. How was I to know I was the main course? Oh shit...I'm shaking."

Hercules had to do something. He couldn't just sit there and listen to his life, his dearest friend and companion, talking so unabashedly about the horrors of what had happened to him without at least some support and comfort. He got to his feet and went to Iolaus, hoping that he
could at least put his arms around the small, shaking body. He wanted to hold him tightly and cry out his folly, but as he reached the smaller man he felt firm hands push him away.

"Just get off me...I don't want your sympathy. I'm just telling you how it was...so you'll know what you did."

The demigod was aching, the pain inside was like someone twisting a sharp knife in his guts. Iolaus was determined to let him suffer and he knew that he deserved everything.

The hunter continued with his story. "The banqueting hall was very large and grand..well I had to focus my mind on something whilst they dragged me through there...! There must have been around sixty people dressed in finery, seated around two long tables with a space in the middle, in the centre of the room was a wooden podium, raised about waist height off the floor and covered in red silks. Attached to this podium were silver manacles on long chains - I'm sure you get the picture Hercules! I was divested of my luxurious garment and tied, lying on my back, to the podium. I don't think I've ever felt so vulnerable in my entire life before. Oh, don't think I didn't struggle...I did but my strength, depleted as it was, was no match for the guards nor Colycus' `guests'.

Not to put too fine a point on it, Colycus was auctioneer and whoever bid the highest dinars got to play - with me. Women and men, partners and groups. They all got to watch my shame. Hey...under normal circumstances I may even have enjoyed myself but I guess it became a little too much even for Iolaus huh! The pain was excruciating and it
wasn't long before I lost consciousness. No fun when your plaything isn't responsive...so they released me to the cells, where you finally managed to find me. I vaguely remembering hearing a woman screaming so they must have gone onto dessert.

And do you know what kept me going through all this? It was the knowledge that Pannika was going to get help...you my friend. Although I never realised that he had already found you five days previously and you had decided in your wisdom not to see the urgency of the situation. I needed you Hercules...I really did, and you let me down." Iolaus
finally broke - he could no longer control his emotions and started to sob, the tears welled up and threatened to drown him.

This time Hercules didn't hesitate, he surrounded Iolaus' cold, trembling body with his arms, drawing the blonde head to his shoulder and hugging the taut body fiercely. Iolaus didn't pull away waiting for this new moment of weakness to subside. Now that he had told the demigod what had happened he wanted the ground to open up and swallow
him. He was ashamed of himself and of the fact he didn't tell his friend the whole truth when he had been rescued.

"Oh Iolaus, what have I done to you?" The son of Zeus murmured into the warrior's hair. I'm so blind and stupid. Serena was my whole world when we first married. When you were wounded I could think of little more that getting help for you, something to cure the poison from the
Hind's arrow, if I hadn't you would have died, but at least it wouldn't have set the wheels in motion ensuring that you suffered more and all because of me. Serena's gone now and I've hurt the one person I care about most in the world. Gods...if it was in my power to take away all
that you've gone through, I would. I feel so ashamed. If I hadn't been so selfish you would never have gone to help those people in the first place."

Iolaus pulled slightly away from Hercules' embrace as he fought for control of his emotions once more. "I've hurt you in the past for pretty much the same reason Herc, and that's something that I will bear with me until my grave, but I'm going to admit something to you that may hurt you even more. It depends upon how you truly feel about me." The blonde warrior paused again summoning up the courage to reveal even more of himself to his friend. He pulled completely away from the demigod's comforting touch and ran a hand through his tousled hair as he turned his back on him.

"Walking away from you in that tavern was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I know that you loved Serena deeply and, Herc, part of me wanted you to have a long and happy life together but don't you see that you already had someone who cared about you more deeply than anyone else in Olympus or on this earth? Are you blind to my love for you?" He left the question hanging in the air.

Hercules couldn't breathe, he didn't deserve the loyalty that Iolaus gave him, sometimes he felt that he didn't even deserve this man's friendship and now, even after he had let him down so badly he was being offered the chance to begin again. "What are you telling me Iolaus?"

"So you are blind...I often wondered. You stupid fool I'm telling you that I love you, really love you Hercules ...that I've always loved you; as friend, companion and, dare I say it I want more to our relationship than you seem to be willing to give. You ARE my life dammit! I don't think I can survive without you returning those feelings and I don't want to share you with anyone. Hercules.....?" His heart hammered in his chest, this was it...the confession. He'd practiced this part of the speech in his darkest moments. He fantasised about the response he would get and clung to it desperately when his body was being raped and violated. Now the moment had come and he could no longer breathe.

"Oh Gods....I can't bear to think of what happened to you Iolaus. Poor, brave warrior, I don't deserve the love you're offering. You've always been here, at my side, and I've gradually come to rely upon your honesty and unquestioning friendship as a part of me. I genuinely can't remember a time when you weren't around.

I am guilty of taking you for granted my friend and I curse my blindness all these years. I never realised you were clueless as to how I feel about you? I confess it here, before you...I love you, more than a brother and much more than a friend. I want you Iolaus - the heat of
your golden body... all of you."

The hunter felt more relieved than he could say, the breath he had been holding exploded into the cold night air. In waiting for the demigod's response he couldn't gauge what the reply would be. He just knew that if the son of Zeus didn't feel the same way this would be the very last time they would be together.

"Show me.."


"Show me, here, now...show me how much you love me, how much you want the closeness of my body. Take your clothes off." Iolaus' voice was lowered, throaty, expectation hung in the air.

"But I can't...we can't.. I mean I've never." Hercules was unsure. He'd never been with a man before and he didn't know what to expect but he desperately wanted Iolaus ...wanted his strong, lithe body, his soft breath and silky golden hair, he wanted to be inside him to make love to him, but he was conscious of what the hunter had been through and he didnt' want to remind him of the rough treatment at the hands of the soldiers. Nor did he want him to feel like a woman, nor plundered or weak.

"No Hercules, neither had I until two weeks ago...until I had no choice but to find out. Oh I knew I wanted us to be together someday, but the reality was different - and when you married Serena my dreams all but departed.

Now I want to know that two men loving each other can be a beautiful act, something that will heal rather than hurt. I ache for your touch - take your clothes off Herc." He was close to pleading. Iolaus had to take this man, his closest companion and brother in everything. He had
suffered torment and humiliation because of the demigod and wanted to pay him back by using his body, sating his own lust on the muscular, perfect form of his friend and perhaps lover.

If he didn't Iolaus wasn't sure if he would ever be able to enjoy sex again. He had to find out with someone who's love was unconditional and who felt the same way about him. That person was Hercules, it always had been.

Hercules couldn't resist the fever in the hunter's voice and the demigod carefully disrobed as Iolaus removed his own clothing; vest, leather trousers and boots and finally his breechclout, gradually revealing his hardening erection. The darkness added to the erotic feel of the moment and when he finally captured the son of Zeus in his strong arms an electric charge seemed to pulse through both of their bodies. Iolaus felt Hercules' equally hard shaft pressed between them and he ran a hand gently down it's warm length, sending a shiver into the demigod and
eliciting a slight moan from his lips.

"Please Iolaus...let me.." Hercules tried to turn the hunter, to guide him to the soft hay beneath, but the small warrior stood his ground arms clamped around the demigod's waist. "No...this is my fantasy....it always was." He bit gently at Hercules' neck and traced a line of nips down the muscular body to the tight abdomen and finally coming to rest at the groin. Kissing the hardened member delicately he sought the tip and licked teasingly at the head. In the darkness Hercules threw his head back, the muscles of his neck cording tightly as Iolaus took him
in, suckling and biting until he jerked with delight and seed erupted from the head into Iolaus' mouth.

Iolaus swallowed as much of the salty nectar as he could before releasing Hercules half-limp cock, then, coating his own engorged penis with the glistening liquid he pushed a receptive demigod down onto the hay floor, one hand reaching between them to push Hercules' legs apart,
forcing one, then two slick fingers into his hot anus. Hercules struggled briefly, slightly.. "Herc, let me do this okay...I need to do this."

The demigod could feel the mortal's body over him, feel the heat of his need and the beating of his heart as he leaned over and pressed his back and buttocks into the straw. The fodder was hard against him but he felt only the caressing hands, probing and stroking. Iolaus removed
his fingers, knelt before his inexperienced lover and in one quick thrust pushed into Hercules' tight anus, forcing past the ring of muscles, his full length piercing the body of the man beneath him. Hercules gasped in surprise and pain, Iolaus was bigger than he had expected and his face grimaced in a mixture of agony and dawning

"You'll get used to it...I had to." he mouthed to the demigod before capturing his lips and tongue in a sensual and erotic kiss that aroused Hercules more than any woman could. This was the keeper of his heart, the warrior that had claimed his love almost from the time they had met
as children - bonded. The blonde grunted quietly as he thrust deeply into the demigod's body, his strength pushing him deeper and deeper until Hercules own shaft responded once more, dancing between their clenched bodies. Hercules' hands reached up to stroke Iolaus' chest, gliding slowly over the tight muscles, stopping briefly to pinch at the tiny buds of his nipples, eliciting a moan of pleasure from the hunter as he rocked.

Iolaus reached underneath Hercules body and clasped his firm buttocks angling them up to meet his jerking hips as he thrust again and again, only half wondering if he hurt his friend, only knowing his own desperate need to feel in control and for release. The light weight of the warrior Hercules could bear, what he was unsure about was the pain in his cramped anus. If this is what Iolaus had to endure, with strangers, he didn't know how he had stayed sane, if he hadn't loved Iolaus dearly he would have put an end to this.

Unaware of the other's discomfort, the hunter was lost in an erotic dream, Iolaus was master of his lover and he intended to remain that way, someone else's body was being used for a change, not his and he revelled in it. His breath came in ragged gasps reaching a blinding
crescendo as he climaxed, his semen boiling into the sweet flesh of the demigod. He thrust once and pushed himself against the others body yet again, before falling forward onto the demigod's chest, temporarily sated.

Hercules lingered underneath the precious frame, curling his fingers into the softest hair imaginable kissing the top of the hunter's head and caressing his well-muscled back. This was his Iolaus.. Eventually Iolaus withdrew his cock from the demigod's warm body and rolled back
against the hay licking his dry lips, trembling with exhaustion. "That's not enough Iolaus... I wasn't sure, but I know now.. gods - more...please?"

It was his turn to ache for release and, as he said the words, Iolaus' uninjured hand brushed against his penis, warm fingers wrapping around the heated core. The warrior wrapped a muscular leg around the demigod's and brought his body over on top of Hercules' once again - the
slight pressure against his ribcage causing him to exhale. There was only feeling as he closed his eyes and imagined the brown, smooth flesh above him and the lust-filled deep blue eyes, the sensual lips and delicate ears. Hercules tongue explored the nape of Iolaus' neck even as the smaller man worked at his member, milking it lovingly as they kissed until Hercules exploded in his hand.

"Are you sorry Hercules?" Iolaus whispered gently into his ear when their breathing slowed. The hunter's fingers were caressing the demigod's lips as his lover licked his own essence from the strong digits. Hercules grabbed the palm and kissed it tenderly.

"For hurting you - yes. For discovering each other like this no..never! Now make love to me properly Iolaus I need to have you inside me again."

With some difficulty, Iolaus turned Hercules onto his knees and knelt between the demigod's buttocks then he covered the bigger man and his stiff shaft found the exquisite haven of Hercules' full arse once again
as he pulled on the demigod's penis thrusting roughly into him. Neither man were able to control their climax for long as they came and came, shouting each other's name in the dark, the seed of Iolaus' sweet orgasm finding its mark in the hot recess of Hercules' body.

They made love twice more that night, by morning the rain had stopped and the early air was crisp and clear. Hercules awoke to sound of Iolaus' stifled yawn. He was nestled in the demigod's embrace, the cloak draped over his nakedness. The son of Zeus glanced lovingly at
his friend and brushed a stray lock of blonde hair behind his ear, exposing the earring that shone in the sunlight.

"I promise you Iolaus that as long as I am here on this earth I will never let you down again."

A very sleepy hunter raised his sex-fogged eyes to the handsome face above him. "Hmmn...what? Oh yeah..you do that Herc now what are we going to tell your family?" He mumbled as he nestled his small body closer to the demigod's.

"This will be our secret Iolaus, something for us to share and people to guess about! I don't suppose this will stop you seeking out every woman in Greece?" He smiled at his friend snuggled beneath his armpit.

"Nah..Herc - got a reputation to keep up. Besides which - now I know I'm still functional I wouldn't want all that energy to go to waste!" he giggled.

"Oh Iolaus! I promise none of it will be wasted! Let me show you." And the demigod took his friend in his strong arms once more and showed him precisely what he meant.

The End

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