Disclaimer - these characters are the property of Universal and Renaissance Pictures and no attempt is made to infringe the copyright thereof. We are just borrowing them and will give them back at the end of the story!


by Queenie

"Gods, it's cold," complained Iolaus as he crouched in front of the fire. "I don't remember it ever being this cold before."

Hercules suppressed a shiver himself as he finished piling the logs in the corner of the small cabin they had found at the edge of the forest. "I know," he agreed, amiably. "It's almost as though the land and its people were being punished."

The hunter peered up at his tall friend from under his mop of unruly golden hair. "You don't think ...?"

"No," interjected Hercules, quickly, shaking his head. "Demeter is responsible for the land and nature, and she has no reason to punish anyone right now - especially as Persephone is with her mother for the next six months."

"Bet Hades isn't too happy at this moment," the warrior observed with a sly grin. "Bereft of his lover every six months ... I don't know how he gets through it!"

"He'll survive," the demigod replied, then broke into a wide smile. "But you're right. I don't know how he manages, either. I know I wouldn't."

Iolaus rose to his feet and padded across the floor to stand in front of his friend,
gazing up at him. "Luckily, you don't have to," he said, softly, one hand reaching out to clasp the strong forearm of his best friend and lover, the touch of his fingers sending small shivers of anticipation up and down Hercules' spine.

"Iolaus ..." he began, his voice hoarse with need. Ruthlessly, he suppressed his own desire for this man, this warrior, his best friend and blood brother and, gently extracting his arm from the smaller man's grasp, walked across to the fire to place another log atop the one which was already crumbling in the flames. Truth be told, he knew how that log felt, for the heat which was raging within him, the fire of lust and love, was beginning to consume his self-constraint and he was finding it increasingly difficult to remain as impassive as he imagined he seemed. All he really wanted to do was take Iolaus into his arms, slowly divest him of his clothing, whilst kissing that hot throat, that broad, golden chest and allowing his tongue to inspect the rest of that glorious body, then make slow, passionate love to the man who was his very life .

The heat from the fire echoed the furnace burning within him as he straightened and again, he resolutely quelled the yearning which threatened to take him in its insatiable grip, knowing that, once he succumbed to his body's carnal cravings, he would not be able to stop, and that was not what he had planned for this night. At least, not yet.

Patience, he told his traitorous body, sternly. Soon - very soon.

Iolaus, meanwhile, watching the intriguing play of emotions over the demigod's flushed face, bit back his own increasing ardour, trying desperately to curb the libido
which had only increased its demands since he and Hercules had become lovers. It was a losing battle, and he knew it, but some modicum of restraint was won for the time being and he sighed heavily as he walked slowly over to the fire and seated himself beside it, trying not to glance at the demigod's handsome face lest his tenuous self-control dissolved completely. His own plans for this evening were too precious, too well-conceived to be tainted even slightly by an uncontrolled moment or two of rutting lust. This argument did nothing much to ease his body's over-eager urges, but it did have the effect of cooling down - at least temporarily, its delirious hunger.

"So, feel warmer?" enquired the demigod at length. His voice was pitched slightly higher than normal, a fact which did not escape Iolaus's attention, and he tried valiantly to suppress a grin at the cause.

"Yeah," he replied, ensuring his voice emerged as its usual light tenor. "You reckon we'll get to Corinth by tomorrow, then, Herc?"

The routine of normal conversation helped, for the moment, to stem the taller man's rising passion, and he took his place at the other side of the fire - as far away as possible from his mischievous friend - with a shrug. "If it doesn't snow," he said, somewhat pessimistically.

"Snow?" Iolaus's eyebrows disappeared into his fringe. "You seriously think it's going to snow?"

"Well, it's certainly cold enough."

The smaller man shivered. He had to agree - albeit privately - with the demigod's assessment of the weather. This cold spell had come on suddenly and without any warning and it was indeed bitter enough for wintry conditions to prevail. He pondered for a moment on the consequences if they were to be stuck here for several days whilst the weather calmed down - if it should, indeed, become that bad. It was not an entirely unpleasant prospect. In fact, it was downright appealing. Trapped here with Hercules for a few days, with no means of escaping the little shelter, but with plenty of wood which they had already gathered and the generous supply of food they had with them - not to mention the fact that they would finally be alone together, completely unencumbered by the demands of other people, and unlikely to be interrupted. "Well, if it does, it does, I guess," he managed, finally, squirming where he sat, uncomfortably aware that his appetite, temporarily overcome, was slowly increasing and beginning to overtake him again at the very prospect of being stuck here for several days with the man who owned his heart, and in whose body he had found an unquenchable gratification.

The demigod surveyed his friend with a quizzical frown, then, noting the flushed face and hearing the heavy, laboured breathing, almost laughed aloud in relief. So he was not the only one suffering the agonies of unsated desire.

This night promised to be memorable.

Another hour passed. Both Hercules and Iolaus tried desperately to lay aside their increasing desire for each other and, to a certain extent, they succeeded. After all, they had been friends since childhood and their combined experiences and memories were part of the foundation on which their friendship had been built, together with the special bond which they shared and which had helped them through many a difficult period in their lives. Their relationship consisted of many strands and the sexual part, very recently discovered, was only a small part of that. An exceptionally important part, but only a part nonetheless. It was, therefore, easier than either of them had thought to put aside for the time being, thoughts of writhing around together before the blazing fire, the flames within igniting their own
burning passion and heating them with an incandescence which could only be quenched by bringing each other to a mutually satisfying climax.

The lull could not last, however. Each of them were only too well aware of the other's body and of their own individual hunger for that muscular form. Finally, Hercules realised that the wait was torturous not only for him, but was beginning to take a huge toll on his friend as well.

Oh well ...


The smaller man, in the act of taking a sip from his goblet of wine, paused and looked up at the demigod, his lips resting on the rim of the vessel, his azure eyes alight with longing.

"I ... um ..." Hercules swallowed nervously, realising that, if this took much longer his craving was going to overtake him completely, and before he knew it, he would be thrusting into the hunter without any of the foreplay he had been planning for weeks. "You know it's a year today since we went on that trip 'North'?"

The blond's eyes widened, suddenly taken aback. Yes, of course he knew. He had been planning this night for weeks in celebration of that day. That day, he had been part of something special - something of which only three other people in the land could justifiably claim full knowledge, and the events had been burned into his brain, changing him, making him stronger, wiser, in ways he had not even begun to try to understand. Yet still, he had admitted to himself, it was no more special in its own way than this - what he and Hercules shared when they shared their bodies with each other, when their souls and hearts merged to become one. It was all of that and more which had, several weeks ago, given him an idea for a special evening with the man who had not been present at the actual event but had accompanied him there nonetheless, despite his reservations about Iolaus's sanity and his initial scepticism about the vision preceding it all.

"I remember," was all he said, however.

Hercules smiled, reading in the expressive blue eyes the memories which were even now assailing his friend and seeing in them the gratitude toward him for his presence beside the warrior throughout that trip, even though he had expressed his doubts about its necessity. "Well," he went on, "I thought that, even though we both remember it, it might be kind of nice to - well, commemorate it somehow. So ... I got you something."

The blue eyes widened further, and a bright smile lit the hunter's face - seeming to make him glow from within. "You ... you did?" He sounded so delightfully pleased.
It warmed the demigod's heart anew and suddenly, he could wait no longer.

"Turn around," he said. It was not exactly an order - but neither was it exactly a request. Iolaus' smile faded a little, then he shrugged. This was Hercules. They loved each other. They would die for one another. He could take being 'commanded' - but only this once.

As Iolaus complied with his dearest friend's demand, turning away from the demigod's heated gaze, Hercules slowly stripped off his clothes and laid them in a neat pile on a nearby chair.

"Okay," he said, when he was ready. "You can turn around again now."

Iolaus again complied and almost choked at the sight which was presented to him. Hercules - his best friend, his lover, his life - stood before him, tall and straight and erect ... as was his penis, standing proud and throbbing, and wrapped in a thick, bright red ribbon finished off with a huge bow.

"Oh gods," he groaned, his throat suddenly dry, all the blood in his body rushing towards his groin, to gather there in a throbbing, almost painful swelling. "Herc ..."

"Happy North-day, Iolaus." The demigod's voice had all but disappeared, his eyes suddenly riveted upon his friend's straining codpiece, his tongue emerging to lick his lips lasciviously.

"Herc ..." Suddenly, there was no more time for speech, no more desire for words, as the two men stepped forward and, as one, wound their arms around each other, their lips meeting in a kiss of such sweetness, such intensity that the air around them seemed to disappear and neither could hear anything but the ringing in their ears as their mutual molten need ignited and the flames threatened to devour them both.

Tongues met and danced, mouths remained locked together and hands wandered feverishly over heated skin. Small groans of passion issued from between them, neither of them sure who was moaning nor when, and neither of them caring too much, so intent were they on plundering each other's depths.

Iolaus gradually became aware that his delightful, muscular lover was slowly ranging his hands underneath the purple jerkin and he had been eased out of the garment, with accompanying, slow, teasing strokes over his fevered flesh, before he knew it. Then he felt himself being lifted by strong arms, their lips remaining fused together, sharing each breath, each whimper, and was carried to the bed in the corner of the cabin. It occurred to him, at the back of what remained of his conscious mind, that finding this cabin had all been a part of the demigod's plan. He had thought at the time that its location had been a tad too convenient, but had not thought to question his friend about it. Then, finding all the wood outside, plus the sparse but neatly kept furniture ... Hercules must have been planning this for weeks!

There was no further time - nor inclination - for such thoughts, as Hercules lay the smaller man back on the fragrant smelling bed and, finally breaking the kiss, sat astride him, being very careful not to crush the warrior beneath his greater bulk.

Iolaus grinned, laying quiescent on the soft mattress, hungrily eyeing the demigod's straining erection whilst Hercules worked painstakingly on the hunter's remaining clothing.

It seemed to take forever. For each belt undone, there were slow, deep kisses, followed by a hot tongue tracing its delicious path down his neck, his throat, onto his broad chest, teasing his erect nipples before travelling down his navel, where it inspected his belly button, tickling and licking until the blond thought that he would come before the rest of his clothing was removed.

But Hercules had thought about this, had planned and dreamed of it for weeks now - laying awake at nights thinking about what he could do to make this night extra special, what he would do to bring the hunter to slow completion, to make him scream the demigod's name, to bring him close to sweet oblivion before allowing him the euphoria of his own orgasm.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked, pausing in the act of opening the hunter's bursting codpiece.

Iolaus could barely speak . His breaths were emerging as a series of gasping moans and stars swam in front of his eyes. He wasn't sure whether it was because of what Hercules was doing to him or because of the hours of anticipation and unsated lust. "Y ... yes ..." he managed, at last. "Herc ... oh gods ..." This as Hercules finally opened the codpiece and gently stroked the tip of the penis which thrust its way out of the pants, finally released from its confines and rejoicing in its newfound freedom.

Slowly, and again accompanied by his tongue and lips, Hercules removed completely the hunter's leather pants, then sat back momentarily to gaze at the feast before him.

Iolaus was panting for breath, his arms outflung, his hands clutching and releasing the bedclothes beneath him. His golden hair was spread out beneath him, making a halo for his beautiful face, his eyes were tightly closed and every now and again his pink tongue would appear, to wet his luscious lips. The tight muscles of his stomach were straining as his back arched convulsively and, from its surrounding mass of tight curls, his erection stood to attention, begging Hercules to take it, craving release.

His blood boiled in his ears but he held back. It was not yet time. He made a silent plea to his own bulging cock to be patient, but almost came himself from the look on Iolaus's face when he bent forward to place tender kisses on the shuttered eyelids, then their mouths met again before he went on to trace his earlier path, this time lingering over the dark nubs on his golden lover's chest, suckling and licking, pulling and probing. His tongue continued its ministrations, nipping at the tight skin on that muscular abdomen, before reaching the tight belly button, where he probed more deeply, hearing a gasp from above him which made him chuckle against the overheated flesh.

"Gods, I love you, Iolaus," he whispered, as he travelled further, his hands and tongue finding the soft flesh on the inner thighs, suckling and probing the silken skin, driving his lover almost insensible with desire, then, finally, moving upwards toward the hunter's weeping cock.

"Ah!" Iolaus couldn't help the gasp which erupted from his mouth as Hercules tongue finally found purchase on his aching erection. He could feel the tip of it swirling around on the top of the moist member, and almost stopped breathing when the warm wetness investigated further the slit, probing, pulling, blowing.

Then the tongue was removed and he opened his eyes to find Hercules regarding him with a curiously mixed expression of lust and mirth. "Wh ... what?"

"Aren't you going to open your present?" Hercules asked him, pointing toward his own penis, where the red ribbon was digging into the flesh beneath, so engorged was the gift which it wrapped.

Iolaus didn't know whether to feel exasperated or inordinately pleased. He settled on the latter as he raised trembling hands to grasp the ribbon, smirking as his sensitive fingers snaked across the ridged flesh and Hercules gasped, willing himself to hold back.

The hunter giggled. This was payback time! Slowly, maddeningly slowly, he undid the bow, allowing his hand to trail lightly across the blood red cock till he saw sweat breaking out on the demigod's face. Then, with a flourish, he snapped the ribbon off - which almost cost the demigod dearly. With a harsh intake of breath, Hercules took the ribbon from Iolaus's fingers and, leaning forward, so that their cocks were touching, pulled on the warrior's already erect, hardened nipples. Then he leaned back again, and, taking an end of the ribbon in both hands, very very carefully placed the edge in the slit of Iolaus's cock.

The hunter about passed out. A scream tried to escape his throat but never emerged as the ribbon was slowly, oh so slowly and so-o-o gently passed to and fro within the weeping slit. His hips bucked and his hands clutched the bedclothes so tightly that one of the sheets began to tear before he could release his hand to dive backward toward the bedpost, which he grasped with such force that he expected the next sound he heard would be the wood splinterering.

"Ah .... Ah ... Her .... Gods!!!!!!" He was completely incapable of coherent speech by now, and threw his head back as a roaring sound filled his ears, accompanied by an inky blackness which he prayed would not claim him until his orgasm was complete.

But the next instant the pressure was removed and, blinking back tears of passion and puzzlement combined, he opened his eyes to find Hercules simply sitting there.

"Wh ... wh ...??"

"This is your present, Iolaus," said the demigod, leaning forward to cup one sweat-stained cheek and plant a tender kiss on the bruised, reddened mouth. "I'm offering my body to you. That was just the foreplay."

"Th ... that was 'just' foreplay??" echoed Iolaus incredulously. "Gods, Herc ...I ... I"

"Speechless, huh?" laughed the other man. "I never thought I'd see that day!"

Iolaus scowled, but did not try to disguise the humour in his deep blue eyes. "If you're trying to get a rise out of me, it won't work!"

Hercules glanced downwards, his eyes alight with laughter. "I - um - think I already have," he pointed out.

"Right, that does it!" Iolaus leaned upward, wrapped his arms around the other man and met his lips in a bruising kiss which left them both breathless and aching - again. "This is really my present?" he enquired, softly, reaching between them to take Hercules' stiffened penis into a light grip.

"This - and me," Hercules confirmed.

"O - kay." With that, Iolaus pushed the taller man back until their positions were reversed and he was astride Hercules. Leaning behind him for a pillow, he manoeuvred it beneath the demigod's hips and, once thus raised, the other man allowed him to push his legs further apart until he was seated between them.

"You know, this is gonna be fun," Iolaus remarked, conversationally, as he leaned over and nipped lightly at the demigod's ear, one small hand pushing back the long brown hair, and tickling the nape of the muscular neck.

It was Hercules to react to his lover's sure, practised touch, which he did very well, much to the hunter's delight and satisfaction. Iolaus knew exactly which spots to aim for and ensured that he never spent too much time there before moving on to another part of his friend's anatomy. So ears, neck and nipples all received the barest of touches, the merest hint of suckling, before they were abandoned and the demigod moaned in frustration and desire combined.

"Iolaus ..." Hercules groaned his friend's name, his hands shooting upwards to clasp at the smaller man's face in an effort to force him to stay in one place long enough to satisfy his needs. But Iolaus gently disengaged his hands, holding one of them long enough to suck lovingly on each fingertip, running his tongue suggestively over the tip of the index finger before closing his mouth on the thumb and practically chewing it.

"My turn," he said, firmly, as he removed the thumb and laid the hand back down on the bed, admonishing Hercules with his stern blue gaze. "This is my present - isn't it?"

The demigod could only nod, and relinquished control to his masterful partner with a
sigh and a slight shake of his head. He should have remembered that Iolaus let nothing go unpunished for long and after what he had been doing to his wilful friend, he was lucky that he was getting any attention at all! Iolaus could be very wicked when he wanted to be - and Hercules knew that tonight, especially, he deserved all he got ... or didn't as the case may be! He comforted himself with the thought that his lover was not only very skilful, he was also generous and unselfish - and he would never dream of not fulfilling all of his friend's desires. It just might take some time!

"Now, where were we ...?" Iolaus had watched the play of emotions over the demigod's face with interest and affection. He could read his friend like a book and knew just what was going through his mind. Having teased the hunter to the edge of ecstasy, Hercules was now fearful that Iolaus was going to do the same to him and not give him the fulfilment for which he was now so desperate. 'Never fear, Herc', he thought to himself. 'You'll come for me, I promise. I'll make it all worthwhile. You just deserve a little teasing ...'

Hercules moaned again as Iolaus resumed his maddening play, teasing at his tight nipples, biting and sucking until they hardened and stood up erect on his broad chest, then the hunter's tongue and teeth moved upward, toward that arched neck, where he nipped several times, until he was sure that the he had made his mark. Slowly, oh so slowly, he then moved further down the strong body, sucking at the inner arms, trailing his clever tongue across the demigod's inner elbows and then found the hard abdomen, where he remained for a few moments, driving his teeth into the taut skin, chuckling as he heard the gasps emerging from above him.

"Having fun, yet, Herc?" he enquired sweetly, lifting his fair head to look directly into the other man's impossibly blue gaze. Hercules scowled, but it was offset somewhat by the look of abject need which burned in his eyes like a torch.

Without waiting for an answer to his question, Iolaus slithered further down and found the hipbones, grinning as he caught the upraised penis from the corner of his eye. He played with the skin there for a few moments before moving across, and then, looking upwards and meeting that gaze once again, ran his tongue across the tip of Hercules' shaft, flicking it to and fro in a ceaseless dance, tasting the sweet saltiness of the moisture which was running down its turgid length.

His hands, meanwhile, had found their own plaything, lightly running across and squeezing the tight sac behind the bulging penis, and he concentrated all his efforts now on making his friend shout for him, scream his name and then release his sweet semen into the willing mouth.

With that thought uppermost in his mind, he ran his tongue up and down the length of the shaft and then closed his mouth over it, sucking, pulling, whilst his hands continued their romp behind it.

Hercules sudden bucking almost made him lose his place on the throbbing member, but he held on, his hands leaving their plaything to hold the demigod's hips steady, to enable him to finish what he had started. Then the sound of his name, in a series of half-shouts, half moans sent a spiral of immense satisfaction trickling through him, followed instants later by a spiral of another kind as Hercules shot his load into Iolaus's throat.

The hunter's mouth refused to leave its willing prisoner until all of the demigod's seed was milked from it, then, when it did, he opened his eyes and glanced upward to find his lover shaking uncontrollably, washed up on the shore of complete fulfilment after an orgasm so intense that it had crested somewhere up on Olympus.

But Iolaus was not finished yet. Reaching under the bed, he brought out from beneath it a small bottle of oil which he had concealed there earlier - all part of his plan, in which they could indulge very soon, he hoped and, pouring some on his fingers, slowly pushed one into the tight hole concealed behind the demigod's testicles. Then, when he was sure that the expression on his friend and lover's face was one of pleasure, not pain, a second finger joined it, easing forward, twisting, yearning, until they found a certain spot ...

"Ah! Iolaus!" Hercules threw his head back and it was his turn to clutch convulsively at the rumpled sheets.

Smiling in satisfaction, Iolaus removed his fingers and prepared to make his entrance into the other man's body. Pouring more of the sweet-scented oil into his hands, he gingerly caressed his own penis, ensuring that it was well coated before stoppering the bottle and carelessly flinging it back behind him. Then, having readied himself and well aware that he was on the verge of letting go, he eased himself into the small orifice, slowly, gently, each give of the muscles surrounding his aching cock making him gasp. If he wasn't very careful, and because of what Hercules had already done to ready him, he was going to come before he was prepared to. Biting back his need, he thrust further and further, until he was fully sheathed in the other man's body, then he could curb himself no longer and his own body began to take over the procedure, his mind effectively shutting down as his cock performed its mad, erotic dance within the heated confines of Hercules anus.

In, out, in, out ... he thought it would go on forever. The driving home of each thrust brought him nearer and nearer to completion until, finally, and with a scream of 'Herc! I love you!" he came and came, emptying his seed into the man he loved more than life itself.

Finally, spent and exhausted, his cock ceased its restless twitching and he collapsed bonelessly across the other man's broad chest. Strong, loving hands wound around him, stroking him, soothing him, and he suddenly became aware of a hardness against his groin. Blearily, he lifted his head, and groaned, his agonised cerulean gaze meeting that of his best friend as he realised that Hercules shaft was refilled and ready for him again. He wasn't at all sure he was up to it a second time - at least not just yet!

Then he remembered his own - much altered - plan for that evening and realised that this could be rectified. Slowly, a feral grin replaced the look of abject apology. "Herc - the ribbon," he said.

The demigod stared at him, confusion lighting the sky-blue gaze. "What?"

"The ribbon," Iolaus repeated, and, reaching behind him, fumbled for and found the piece of silk. "Here," he said, holding it out to Hercules. "My present to you."

Hercules still looked confused. "Iolaus ..."

"Just wait a minute, Herc," said Iolaus, patiently as he climbed off the bed and padded across the floor to rifle through his pack. The demigod sat on the bed staring at him in mild amusement until the blond warrior turned, with an expression of such satisfaction on his sweet face that the demigod felt his stomach lurch with the love he felt for this man.

Iolaus was holding out a thick, bright red ribbon - twin to that which Hercules had brought with him (albeit hidden in an entirely different place!).

"Tie me to the bed," he said, as he approached the other man.

Hercules could only gape. "Wh ... what?"

"It's my present to you, Herc," explained Iolaus with a tinkling laugh. "I was going to tie it around me to offer to you ... but you kinda beat me to it! This is the only other way I can think of - so ... tie me to the bed."

"Iolaus... I don't ... I don't want to hurt you!" Hercules objected. "I ... I can't ..."

"You won't hurt me, you great oaf!" responded Iolaus, affectionately. "I didn't say to tie me tightly. Just do it loosely, then I can offer you my body - the way you just offered yours."

"You ... you planned this?" Hercules asked, incredulously.

Iolaus shrugged, climbing back on the bed and offering Hercules the two ribbons, which the demigod took and proceeded to bind them very loosely around his lover's wrists. "Seems like we both planned something independently of each other," he observed.

"Yeah - and both with the same prop!" pointed out Hercules with a laugh. "You know, my friend, sometimes I think we have a little too much in common ... lay down there, will you ..."

"Are you gonna stop talking and kiss me?" demanded Iolaus as he obediently reclined on the bed, watching Hercules' face as the demigod bound the ribbons to the bedpost.

"I'm just gonna look at you for a moment, actually," replied the other man, sitting back to admire his handiwork. Iolaus was sprawled full-length on the soft, rumpled covers, his arms spreadeagled and bound to the bedpost by the two lengths of red ribbon - from which he could easily escape should he desire. His legs echoed the position of his arms, leaving him exposed and wide open, allowing the demigod easy access to the portal which he ached to enter. His golden body gleamed with sweet sweat and his penis was rapidly coming back to life as their eyes met and locked, each trying desperately to devour the other in their identical depths.

"Well?" The hunter's voice was husky with desire and Hercules could stand it no longer. His turgid cock demanded satisfaction and he could think of no greater gift than that of this body, this man, this best and most beloved of friends. Without further ado, he leant down and met those sensual lips for yet another kiss, plundered the mouth to re-engage with that dancing tongue, and swept his hands over the muscular body, his desire gusting through him in great waves, shocking him with its magnitude. His lips trailed where his hands had been only moments before and he lingered for long moments over the little buds on the tawny chest, sucking them lovingly, flicking at them with his tongue, until they hardened and glistened with moisture. Traversing down the compact body, he rested his mouth on the spot just below the ribcage, etching his mark on the skin there and running his tongue over the small bitemarks which remained.

"I love you so much, Iolaus," he breathed, his tongue returning to his friend's face, then dancing and flicking behind one ear, enjoying the sharp intake of breath that action caused.

"Gods, Herc, I love you, too. More than I ever dreamed possible," whispered his lover as he found the demigod's ear behind the curtain of hair and licked it lovingly, grinning at the reaction. Then Iolaus could only moan incoherently again as his lover's hot mouth finally found his hipbone, administering to it as only he could with soft licks and bites until the hunter could no more stop the bucking of his body than he could hold back waves.

The bucking increased when the demigod's mouth moved toward and finally took a gentle hold on his increasingly demanding cock. This wasn't possible, he managed to think to himself, as his penis responded by filling and aching intolerably, becoming desperate for some kind of release - again. But possible or not, it was happening, and he could not suppress a whimper when his shaft was suddenly engulfed in warm wetness and suckled.

"Oh gods ... ! Herc ...!"

Hercules grinned at the sounds emanating from his beautiful lover, and feeling himself straining to hold back, closed his eyes for an instant, then, opening them, found himself gazing into an expression of such love, such sweetness, such passion that he knew he must take his rightful place now before he came from that expression alone.

Blinking rapidly, he had sufficient presence of mind to reach behind him and locate the little bottle of oil and, emptying a small amount into his hands, rubbed it in, then massaged his cock, gasping as it throbbed hotly in his hand. Then he thrust one finger into Iolaus's tight entrance, whilst his other hand gently kneaded the warrior's testicles, eliciting a groan of pleasure from the other man's throat. Another finger found its way into the anus, and, before Iolaus could do more than gasp, a third one joined it, pushing, wriggling, bending, until they found the point of pleasure which he had earlier enjoyed.

Iolaus's scream of undiluted rapture thrilled him, but there was no time for further thought as he withdrew his fingers and, before the hunter could even breathe, thrust his engorged cock into the lubricated hole, pushing, pushing until he could see the initial pain being replaced by a very different expression on Iolaus's face.

Thrusting in and partway out again and again, he gritted his teeth as sensation overcame him, and managed to reach upward to take the hunter's erect shaft into one hand, pulling rythmically on the foreskin, his cries of joy co-mingling with those of his best friend until, with one final thrust deep inside Iolaus, hot ejaculate spurted out into his lover's eager body, filling him, streaming out into the very core of his being and proclaiming 'mine!'

As his cock emptied and his lust, now sated, died away slightly, he opened his eyes to find that Iolaus was gazing at him with an expression somewhere between adoration and awe.

He had also orgasmed for the second time that night.

Reaching upwards, Hercules unfastened the red ribbons and took the smaller man into his arms, cuddling him close, unwilling to let him go - ever.

"Happy North-day, Herc," whispered Iolaus into his hair, his voice hoarse with shouting, his body nestling into Hercules arms. "Hope you ... y-a-w-n - enjoyed yourself."

"Happy North-day, Iolaus," replied the demigod. "And ... yeah. I think I did ..."

"Only think??" Iolaus raised his head slightly and looked at him in mild exasperation.

"I was teasing you, Iolaus," Hercules told him, tenderly brushing a stray lock of the soft saffron hair from his lover's forehead. "This has to be the best night we've ever had!"

Satisfied, Iolaus snuggled down again, resting his head under the demigod's chin, and smiling when Hercules planted a kiss on the top of his golden curls. "Yeah," he agreed, around another yawn. "But how're we gonna top it next year?"

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